Hello, Premshay
Yesterday, it was opening of the exhibition.
Students worked very well. They are very happy to work it. Thank you very much! and big love to you!!
Yesterday Japanese students did 2 performances.
Takahumi wanted to do Chaya's performance. He laied down on the floor with flower in his mouth.
He worked more than 1 hour.
He wanted piss like Chaya, but could not.
Instead, he concentrated to do very very much. Finally he gave up,
because his friend suggested him that it was time to close the space.
And than he said that he would try to do it tomorrow more.
He love her concept very mush, you know?
Hiroshi did a performance for Nisreen.
He cooked breads by himself, which were shaped pistol.
He ate one after he took from a woman who tried to kill him by the "pistol".
The bread was too hard and big to eat.
He needed to take 40min to eat one. looked very painful for his stomach.
He said he wanted to support woman who needed to take "pitsol" on her hand.
Nisreeen sent to his a animation movie, about pistol.
So Hiroshi worried her, the situation why a woman had to think about weapon.
I feel proud of them, their energy to make art with their effort.
What lovely boys!!
Today, we would have a little bit public opening party.