27Feb ~ 22March
Kunstlerfurom Bonn, Germany
Translation Theme park
14March ~
Uppsala Konstmusem, Sweden
26Oct ~ 7Nov
Bangkok and ChaingMai, Thailand
Undisclosed Territory
Solo, Indnesia
T3 workshop performance
public space in Tokyo
23rd March
Uppsala Art Museum, Uppsala , Sweden
14-17 May
"Artist in Residence" in SUEN Butoh Company
Uppsala, Sweden
18 ~28th May
4 ~ 7th September
Art Now Live Tour
Art Now Live Studio+Contemporary Art Museum of Ji Nan
Beijing 北京+Ji Nan 済南, China
12~21st September
"Translation Theme Park”
Malmo, Sweden
11th October to 2nd Nov
Monthly workshop Tokyo
バクスイレン Back-Suiren
バクスイレン Back-Suiren
30th September ~ 4th October Curitiba Biennial ( Curitiba, Brazil)
13th ~ 24th November in "La-bas→irma Optimist" (Helsinki , Finland)
7月31日〜8月3日 31st July〜3rd August
"Asile" A Summer Festival of improvisation
"Asile" A Summer Festival of improvisation
7月18日〜29日 18~29th July @アートラボアキバ Tokyo
Exhibition "State of Doubt 疑惑の状態"
as a co-curator

Exhibition "State of Doubt 疑惑の状態"
as a co-curator
7月8日 18:00 8th July Gyoda/Japan
Bakery パン屋20120708 @翠玉堂/行田、埼玉
Bakery パン屋20120708 @翠玉堂/行田、埼玉
6月10日 18:00 10th June Gyoda/Japan
Bakery パン屋20120610 @翠玉堂/行田、埼玉
5月6日〜5月9日 6~9th MayPAE#4 Rotterdam, Netherlands ロッテルダム、オランダ

"B.R.W" photo by Mladen Suknovic "Blind Game" photo by Mladen Suknovic
Lecture for PAS #26 4th May

レクチャー原稿 Draft
"B.R.W" photo by Mladen Suknovic "Blind Game" photo by Mladen Suknovic
Lecture for PAS #26 4th May
レクチャー原稿 Draft
4月16日〜22日 16~22nd AprilPALS Performance Art Festival Stockholm, Sweden ストックホルム、スエーデン
"Left to us" photo by Denis Romanovsky "Blind Game" photo by Mattias Pick
4月15日(日)15th April 12:00
Performance"Targeting Zigzag" worked with chi too, at Panda bridge, Ueno / Tokyo
上野駅のパンダ橋でのアクション・パフォーマンスDocument movie
2月5日(日)5th February 12:00~16:30
performance "To see you again" worked for chi too's project, in 5 public spaces, Tokyo
都内5カ所のパブリックスペースにてDocument moive

photo by Ayanao Shibata
Performance"Targeting Zigzag" worked with chi too, at Panda bridge, Ueno / Tokyo
上野駅のパンダ橋でのアクション・パフォーマンスDocument movie
performance "To see you again" worked for chi too's project, in 5 public spaces, Tokyo
都内5カ所のパブリックスペースにてDocument moive
photo by Ayanao Shibata
1月24日(火) 24th Janua
ry 19:30~21:00
Workshop "Where are public spaces?" worked with Emma Ota at Ebisu,Tokyoパブリックスペースはどこにある?
@amu 東京都渋谷区恵比寿西1-17-2Report Draft

ry 19:30~21:00
Workshop "Where are public spaces?" worked with Emma Ota at Ebisu,Tokyoパブリックスペースはどこにある?
@amu 東京都渋谷区恵比寿西1-17-2Report Draft